DigiFT receives MAS approval

Dec 05, 2023
According to the statement of the founder and CEO of the Singapore-based company Henry Zhang, DigiFT is the first exchange with an automatic market-making mechanism that has been accepted into the regulatory sandbox of MAS FinTech.

The crypto exchange has received permission from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to manage collective investment schemes, as well as to organize a market or trade in the secondary market. DigiFT also has a central bank license for capital markets services (CMS) and a license from a recognized market operator (RMO).

Currently, the crypto exchange is the first company with an automatic market-making (AMM) mechanism in the regulatory sandbox of MAS FinTech.

AMM is a basic protocol that supports all decentralized exchanges (DEX) and eliminates the need for centralized exchanges.

As the first regulated exchange in the public blockchain with an AMM mechanism for secondary trading, DigiFT will continue to expand the boundaries of innovation, including through the tokenization of real assets.

The DigiFT platform will offer secondary trading liquidity for security tokens backed by real assets such as bonds and stocks. This means that investors will be able to trade and buy assets in the chain using fiat currency or stablecoins.