Grayscale attracted a record investment by using a television ads

Aug 16, 2022
Investors contributed $217 million and mostly invested in Bitcoin during last week.

The founder of Grayscale Investments announced the attraction of a record amount of investment thanks to the launch of an advertising campaign about a cryptocurrency trust on national television in the United States. According to media analysts, the reach of the television advertising audience exceeded 5 million people.

Thanks to the advertising, the purpose of which was to convey the possibility of earning money in the cryptocurrency market, the total assets of Grayscale Investments amounted to $ 5.9 billion. The growth of assets since the beginning of August has amounted to more than 10%, and the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust tool has become the most widespread among investors.

This summer, Grayscale did not become the first crypto company to use advertising in classical media. Previously, Galaxy Digital Bank bought advertising in the Financial Times newspaper.

According to the statistics of 2022, Grayscale Investments is one of the largest buyers of digital assets and cryptocurrencies worldwide.